Celebrating Strength, Devotion, and Service: A Look into Hanuman Jayanti

Arjun Agarwal
3 min readApr 23, 2024

Today, on Hanuman Jayanti, the air thrums with an energy of immense devotion. Across India, temples reverberate with chants, homes are adorned with vibrant colors, and the sweet aroma of incense fills the air. But who is Hanuman, and why does his birthday evoke such fervor?

Hanuman, also known as Bajrangbali, Pawanputra, and Maruti Nandan, is a central figure in the Hindu epic Ramayana. He embodies strength, unwavering devotion, and selfless service. Believed to be born on this day, Hanuman Jayanti celebrates his arrival and the immense qualities he represents.

The stories of Hanuman’s feats are legendary. His unwavering devotion to Lord Rama is unparalleled. He single-handedly crossed the vast ocean to Lanka, burned the city with his burning tail, and revived the unconscious Lakshmana with the life-saving Sanjeevani booti. His strength is unmatched, his loyalty absolute

But Hanuman is more than just physical prowess. He represents intellect and resourcefulness. Disguised as a Brahmin, he infiltrated Lanka, gathering crucial information for Rama. He is the embodiment of perfect karma yoga, performing his actions with unwavering dedication and without the expectation of reward.

Hanuman Jayanti is a day to reflect on these very qualities. Devotees throng temples, offering prayers and performing special pujas. The rhythmic chanting of the Hanuman Chalisa, a devotional hymn dedicated to him, fills the air. Some devotees even undertake rigorous physical feats, like climbing mountains or performing hundreds of push-ups, mirroring Hanuman’s immense strength.

The festival also holds a strong social significance. Langars, or community kitchens, are often set up, offering free food to those in need. This echoes Hanuman’s immense humility and service to those less fortunate.

Beyond India, the celebration finds resonance wherever the Ramayana holds significance. In Southeast Asia, particularly Thailand and Indonesia, Hanuman is a revered deity. His image adorns homes and talismans, symbolizing protection and courage.

The story of Hanuman transcends religion and culture. It’s a universal tale of unwavering devotion, selfless service, and the triumph of good over evil. In today’s world, where cynicism and self-interest often prevail, Hanuman Jayanti serves as a powerful reminder of the virtues he embodied.

Here are some ways you can celebrate Hanuman Jayanti:

Visit a Hanuman temple: Immerse yourself in the devotional atmosphere and offer your prayers.

Read the Hanuman Chalisa or Sundar Kand: These texts not only narrate Hanuman’s feats but also offer spiritual guidance.

Practice selflessness: Volunteer at a local soup kitchen or donate to a cause you care about.

Reflect on Hanuman’s qualities: Consider how you can incorporate his unwavering devotion, strength, and service into your own life.

Hanuman Jayanti is more than just a birthday celebration. It’s a day to honor the ideals Hanuman represents and strive to embody them in our own lives. As we celebrate his birth, let us take inspiration from his courage, dedication, and unwavering spirit.



Arjun Agarwal

Foodie, Wanderer, Techie, Movie Enthusiast, Artist. Jack of all, Master of One….