Need for Organic Farming in India!
Organic Farming is not a new concept in India and has been in practice since ancient times in India. We often think that with change in times and improvements in the development sector, things that we are good at, would just progress more and more, however that’s where we went wrong. The primary aim of organic farming is to help and keep the soil healthy. This is done through the use of biological wastes, organic wastes, and bio-fertilizers. Using organic manures help in sustainable crop production along with a pollution-free environment.
How do we know that organic farming is healthy? It is a system that avoids the use of synthetic inputs like pesticides, fertilizers etc. and it mostly relies on techniques like organic wastes, crop rotation, crop residues for plant protection and nutrient utilization. In simpler words, organic farming relies on everything natural. It relies on the natural process of yield benefits so as to maintain a healthy soil, eat healthy food and therefore be able to grow healthy humans.
It is not an unknown fact that the population of our country has been increasing since forever now and that does not go well with the decreasing supply of living resources like food and water. This calls for a dire need to increase the agricultural production and stabilize it in a feasible manner. Organic farming is a very native concept to India. It has a few basic principles. To mention a few; Soil is a living entity. Organic Farming is primarily based on understanding the ways of nature. It does not devoid the soil of its own character that is full of nutrients. The focus in organic farming is the soil itself. The health of the soil and its structure is maintained.
With organic farming, comes a few other principles that go hand in hand with it. Like Rainwater harvesting. It is an important step in organic farming considering the fact that the only source of irrigation are the rains, ponds, wells etc. Next comes the importance of temperature management. Since we all are aware of the ever-increasing temperature and the ill-effects of global warming, this is a n important thing that needs to be followed. The soil must be kept covered to protect it from the heat.
If the right market can be retrieved, then organic farming in India is very profitable. The cost of farm inputs reduces by using crop and animal residue, organic waste as bio-fertilizer. While, the market value and demand of organic product is high compared to traditionally grown farm produces, therefore, there is a high possibility to hit it off right away luring a loyal consumer base.