Why did India Implement its Constitution on 26th January 1950 When It Was Prepared by 26th November 1949?
I was astonished when I came to know that none of my friends had hardly any idea about the relevance of this date (26th Jan). Almost all of them said, on this day our constitution was implemented, and then India officially become the Republic of India but none of them couldn’t answer my adjoining question — “Why did the Government select this date only?” I expect most of the readers to know the reason behind it. Well, if you don’t let’s talk about it.
Let us go back to the history of undivided India when the Britishers were ruling over us. Bhagat Singh and his associate Jatin Das both were arrested as they dared to throw a bomb inside the assembly hall and during the prosecution, his other teammates were arrested. Inside the jail, they were tortured brutally due to which one of the members involved in Saunder’s murder revealed Bhagat Singh’s involvement in the same.
While the prosecution was going on, local reporters were recording their statements from inside the court which was further published in newspapers. One of Bhagat Singh’s statements mentioned Poorna Swaraj (complete independence) which was strong enough to persuade the youth of the nation. This had shaken the congress from the inside as many youths had left the party.
To save their party’s prominence, Congress in its Lahore session of 1929 passed a resolution of celebrating Poorna Swaraj or Independence Day on 26th Jan 1930 which never happened. Therefore, as a remembrance, this date was further adopted to celebrate the Republic Day of India in 1950.
It’s unfortunate that many people are unaware of the actual fact regarding the celebration of the Republic Day of India continuing since 26th Jan 1950. Hope this attempt makes readers understand the glorious history and freedom struggle of Indian Freedom Fighters.