Why is Pride and Prejudice so Famous?

Arjun Agarwal
3 min readDec 15, 2021


A Classic English literature “Pride and Prejudice” was written by Jane Austin. It was a romantic novel published in 1813. It is the story of Elizabeth Benet one of the five unmarried daughters of Mr. and Mrs Benet. Unfortunately, Mr and Mrs Benet didn’t have any son and his property was entailed. This means none of his daughters could possess his property and eventually it will go to Mr Collins. Now Mr Collins is a clergyman known to be pompous and an idiot but the thing is that he inherits Mr Benet’s property. So collin got attracted to Mr Benet’s daughter and he proposed to Elizabeth but she refused him straightforwardly.

It is still considered as one of the most famous novels ever written by Jane Austin as it has impacted many readers tremendously and it establishes the template for an infinity of all romance novels. Here are some of the reasons why we can’t get over Pride and Prejudice.


Well, the story starts with the entry of Mr Bingly. As he introduces Mr Darcy in the story as his friend. Mr Benet brought his five daughters with him to a ball and there Elizabeth met Mr Darcy for the first time. Their first meet didn’t go well as Elizabeth found Mr. Darcy to be very arrogant and obnoxious and the reason behind this was that Mr Darcy was not interested in dancing. Whereas on the other side Charles Bingley found himself comfortable around Jane Benet, the eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Benet. Mostly you will see Jane and Elizabeth in focus in the story as they were coming out of their age during the Victorian period.

Harsh Realities

Although the story revolves around the topic of Marriage and love. But actually, this story shows us a lot of different mindsets of people for getting married, like Elizabeth wanted to maintain her pride in a relationship. Whereas Jane and Bingley had a different opinion, they were found to be in deep love and for them, words like “Pride and Prejudice” didn’t matter at all.

Another character in this story is Scarlet Lucas she is the friend of Elizabeth Benet for her marriage is just a “chance” and economic stability is much more important than love. Charlotte’s reasoning is thoroughly logical, and a little bit heartbreaking. She firmly believes that marriage ‘is the only honourable provision for well-educated young women of small fortune’.

Character Brilliance

A love story can never be easygoing, there comes a lot of ups and downs in the story and this is presented by some antagonist. Unluckily this story has some. Talking about George Wickam he is a young militia officer. He uses some tricks to put Darcy out of the league for getting near to Elizabeth. He also did a lot of things to bring Mr Darcy down. The second Character I wanna talk about is lady Catherine De Bourgh she is the main antagonist of the story because she didn’t want Elizabeth to marry Mr Darcy.

Remarkable Quotes

“He is a gentleman, and I am a gentleman’s daughter. So far we are equal.”

“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.”

Pride and Prejudice embraces one of the most cherished love stories in English literature. As in any amazing love story, the lovers must evade and overcome numerous stumbling blocks, beginning with the tensions caused by the lovers’ personal qualities.



Arjun Agarwal

Foodie, Wanderer, Techie, Movie Enthusiast, Artist. Jack of all, Master of One….